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Honor the Name

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Dive (6-8)Year 2Unit 2 (What's with All the Rules?)Session 4

Honor the Name

I will praise God in everything I say and do, always speaking God's name reverently.
Faith Nurture Goals
  • Reflect on what it means to obey the third commandment.
  • Wonder into the story of Peter's denial.
  • Consider our own use and misuse of God's name.
Memory Challenge

Leader Reflection

Preparing to Tell God's Story

The story of Peter's denial is a striking instance of the misuse and dishonoring of God's name. Peter, who has vowed to protect his master, has the courage to follow Jesus to the courtyard of the high priest. But there in the shadows, as it becomes more and more clear that Jesus is in deep trouble, he begins to give in to fear.

A servant girl looks closely at Peter's face in the firelight and recognizes him as one of Jesus' disciples. He denies it, saying, "I don't know what you are talking about"---a step toward distancing himself from the name of Jesus. A little later, she sees him again,and remarks to others standing around that he's one of Jesus' disciples. Again, Peter denies it.

Now the fear begins to mount, his pulse is racing, and there's a knot in his stomach. Soon others join in on the game of recognition. "You're a Galilean too, you must be one of them." Now Peter is in full fear mode. Heart pounding, he begins to call down curses on himself and swears by God that "I don't know this man you're talking about."

That's when the rooster crows.

The biggest mistake we make with the third commandment is to trivialize it. Too often it simply becomes a rule about swearing, while the real focus is on inspiring awe at the very name of God and sensing the horror of dishonoring it.

Certainly throwing out the name "Jesus Christ" to express our surprise or disappointment, or "God damn it" when we hit our thumb with a hammer, is a misuse of God's name. By using the name in such a trivial way, we're actually saying it means little to us personally, and we are implicitly denying any real relationship.

But the greatest danger is that we use God's name for our own purposes. In Peter's case it was to protect himself from danger. Rather than honoring God's name he tried to disassociate himself from it. There are other insidious ways to use God's name for our own purposes. For example, I might want to seem very pious and godly in a certain group of people so I might change my typical habits of speech. At every opportunity I might slip in "the Lord willing," or "thanks be to God," but what I'm really after is not expressing my true thoughts and feelings but making a religious impression.

In the same way, Christians have used God's name to strengthen their political or social agenda. God is on our side, God backs our political party, God fights for our cause. When we take the name of God for our own use, we "misuse" it and ultimately bring dishonor on God's name.

Positively, the commandment invites us to always use the name of God "reverently, praising God in everything I say or do." In other words, we honor God most when we live lives that reflect his will and purpose.

  • Why did Peter curse and swear in the courtyard?

  • What is the greatest temptation for you in violating the third commandment?

  • Can you think of other ways in which Christians violate this commandment by the way in which they use God’s name?

  • It’s important to make some distinctions with the group about what this commandment addresses. It’s not all about foul language or “profanity” but about the misuse of God’s name. Other forms of foul language (with which our world is increasingly inundated) are dealt with in other Scripture passages, such as Ephesians 4:29. In this session we focus mainly on the temptation to deny or disassociate ourselves with God’s name, and the dishonor that brings to God.


Step 1 Gathering for God's Story

  • body smart
  • ​​people smart

As everyone arrives for today’s session, tape a slip of paper to each person’s back and give him or her a pen or pencil. Ask someone to tape a piece of paper to your back too.

When you’re ready to begin, have everyone stand in a circle and turn sideways so that they are facing someone’s back. Ask everyone to think of the name of a famous person that everyone in the group would probably know. Explain that this could be an actor, musician, athlete, politician, or someone from history.

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