Can't We All Just Get Along?

Session Focus Scripture
0. Christmas: Christmas Joy Mary's song reflects our own joy and praise for the birth of Jesus. Luke 1:26-56
1. Honoring Parents I'm called to honor, love, and be loyal to my parents and all others who have authority over me. Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Ephesians 6:1-4; Q&A 59
2. Loving Others I'm called to love others as I love myself and to do nothing that would cause them harm or insult. Exodus 20:13; Luke 10:25-37; Q&A 60
3. Honoring God with Our Bodies I'm called to keep myself pure and holy in body, mind, and soul and to treat others with dignity and respect. Genesis 2:18-24; Exodus 20:14; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, 13:4-5; Philippians 4:8; Matthew 5:27-28; Q&A 61
4. Being Givers, Not Takers Rather than cheating or stealing from others, I'm called to do whatever I can for their good. Exodus 20:15; Psalm 24:1; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8-9; Q&A 62
5. Telling the Truth Rather than hurting others by gossip and lying, I'm called to love the truth and speak it. Exodus 20:16; John 14:6; James 3:2-12; 1 John 1:8-10; Q&A 63
Dear Family Text

During the next six weeks we’ll be celebrating Christmas and also looking at the portion of the Ten Commandments that challenges us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. God’s love for us is so deep and strong that it compels us to love others as well. Through various Scripture passages paired with Q&As from the Reformed tradition, we’ll be examining how we can treat other people in our lives with the love of Christ. 

Christmas: Christmas Joy—Luke 1:26-56. Mary’s song reflects our own joy and praise for the birth of Jesus. 
Session 1: Honoring Parents—Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Ephesians 6:1-4. I’m called to honor, love, and be loyal to my parents and all others who have authority over me. 
Session 2: Loving Others—Exodus 20:13; Luke 10:25-37. I’m called to love others as I love myself and to do nothing that would cause them harm or insult. 
Session 3: Honoring God with Our Bodies—Genesis 2:18-24; Exodus 20:14; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; Philippians 4:8. I’m called to keep myself pure and holy in body, mind, and soul and to treat others with dignity and respect. 
Session 4: Being Givers, Not Takers—Exodus 20:15; Psalm 24:1; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8-9; John 6:1-15. Rather than cheating or stealing from others, I’m called to do whatever I can for their good. 
Session 5: Telling the Truth—Exodus 20:16; John 14:6; James 3:2-12; 1 John 1:8-10. Rather than hurting others by gossip and lying, I’m called to love the truth and speak it. 

Pass It On 
Here are some ideas for continuing the conversation at home: 

  • Christmas: Near Christmas tell your young teen which Christmas song you like best and why it’s so meaningful to you. Ask him or her to share a favorite too. 
  • Session 1: Share some of the ways in which you honor your own parents as an adult. Point out some things your young teen has said or done recently that show you that he or she honors you. If possible, talk about your relationship and how you can build on the good and improve the rough edges. 
  • Session 2: Talk together about a time when someone went out of the way to help you or your family. Think together about ways your family could help or encourage a neighbor or family from church or school. 
  • Session 3: Take this opportunity to talk to your young teen about healthy boundaries and why sex is important and worth waiting for. Work together with your young teen to establish some family rules that will help him or her stay on the right path. 
  • Session 4: Take some time to talk about your family finances with your young teen (without using actual figures). Explain how you decide what to spend money on—what percentage to give to church; earmark for household supplies, bills and expenses; and how much you spend on helping others. If your young teen has an allowance or earns money, help him or her come up with a saving, spending, giving, and sharing plan that can set a pattern for the future. 
  • Session 5: Ask your young teen to help you assess how serious your family is about keeping this commandment. Identify a few ways in which you can improve the way you talk about others, and decide on a plan for doing so.

Honoring Parents