Does What I Do Make a Difference?

Session Focus Scripture
0. Easter: We Want to See Jesus Like the travelers on the road to Emmaus, we need to see Jesus as our risen Savior and Lord, the fulfillment of God's promises. Luke 24:13-35
1. Working for the Lord In all my work—even the dull tasks—I should do my very best so that I may honor my Lord. Acts 18:1-4; 2 Corinthians 11:26-28; Colossians 3:23; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13; Q&A 71
2. Caring for God's World God expects me to respect all creatures and to help preserve the earth in good condition for future generations. Genesis 2:15, 19-20; Psalm 8; Q&A 72
3. Why Pray? Prayer is the most important way I can thank God and ask God for all I need. Luke 11:9-13; Q&A 73
4. How to Pray I should pray from the heart, believing that God will listen. Luke 18:1-8; Q&A 74
5. The Lord's Prayer We learn how to pray by following Jesus' example in the Lord's Prayer. Luke 11:1-4; Q&A 75-76
Dear Family Text

We’ll continue to use the guidance of the Heidelberg Catechism as we reflect on “Does What I Do Make a Difference?” 

Easter Session: Luke 24:13-35; The Road to Emmaus (We Want to See Jesus) 
Session 1: Acts 18:1-4; 2 Corinthians 11:26-28; Colossians 3:23; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13; Passages on the Importance of Work (Working for the Lord) 
Session 2: Genesis 2:15, 19-20; Psalm 8; Eden and the Naming of the Animals (Caring for God’s World) 
Session 3: Luke 11:9-13; Ask, Seek, Knock (Why Pray?) 
Session 4: Luke 18:1-8; Parable of the Judge and the Widow (How to Pray) 
Session 5: Luke 11:1-4; (The Lord’s Prayer) 

Pass It On 
Here are some ideas for how you might engage your child in a faith discussion: 

  • Share with your child a time when you “saw Jesus” in the words or actions of someone else. (Easter Session) 
  • Share with your child some details about your work life. What exactly is it that you do? What do you enjoy about your work? What don’t you enjoy? If you have not already done so, decide together on some item of “work” your child could start to be responsible for at home. (Session 1) 
  • Commit as a family to one specific action you will do to “care for the world.” Be sure to ask your child for ideas and input. (Session 2) 
  • Share honestly with your child about your prayer life. When do you pray? Where do you pray? Why do you pray (or why don’t you)? What do you often thank God for? What do you often ask God for? What would you like to change about your prayer life? (Session 3) 
  • Share with your child a time when you prayed to God from your heart and felt that, because of the events or experiences that followed, God had indeed listened to your prayer. (Session 4) 
  • Share with your child the version of the Lord’s Prayer you are most familiar with by saying it aloud (from memory if possible). If you can remember, share where and when you first learned the Lord’s Prayer. Consider using the Lord’s Prayer before family meals for the next month. (Session 5) 

Working for the Lord